The hip joint connects the femur and the pelvis and serves to support the weight of the upper body while standing and in motion. In a healthy person, the hip joint can allow for distinct movements, but damage to the bones or tissues can impair or prevent this range of movements.
If you have questions about a hip replacement and would like to learn more about what to expect leading up to, during and after the joint replacement surgery, visit this link.
More information about the hip is available from the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, of which YOA is a member. Visit the Academy links below to learn more.

Broken Bones and Injuries
Other Injuries
Diseases and Syndromes
Burning Thigh Pain (Meralgia paresthetica)
Developmental Dislocation (Dysplasia) of the Hip (DDH)
Hip Bursitis
Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip
Osteoarthritis of the Hip
Osteonecrosis of the Hip
Perthes Disease
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Snapping Hip
Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip
Treatment and Rehabilitation
Joint Replacement
Anesthesia for Hip and Knee Surgery
Hip Resurfacing
Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement
Total Hip Replacement
Postoperative Care
Activities After Hip Replacement
Total Hip Replacement Exercise Guide
Prevention and Safety